Dr. Sproule’s Journal

woman with brown spots on face

What to Expect When You Get a Laser Facial

The thought of having a laser facial such as laser Genesis treatment frightens many people, while others swear by them and schedule them regularly. Those who are apprehensive can be afraid of whether the technician will hit a sensitive area, damage their eyes, or even...

The thought of having a laser facial such as laser Genesis treatment frightens many people, while others swear by them and schedule them regularly. Those who are apprehensive can be afraid of whether the technician will hit a sensitive area, damage their eyes, or even burn them. Those who swear by them feel completely at ease during the procedure and love the glowing rejuvenated skin they get as a result of the procedure. Laser facials can make your skin look great and they are completely safe when you are in the hands of a well-trained technician. Let’s go over what to expect if you decide to come for a laser facial treatment, such as Laser Genesis.

When you arrive the technician will make sure you feel at ease. You should arrive at the appointment with no makeup on your face if possible. No topical anesthetic is required since the procedure is very comfortable so just make yourself comfortable on the treatment table and relax. The technician will ask you to put on some safety eye shields to protect your eye area as a precaution, although at no time will the laser be directed toward your eyes. Your well-trained technician will assess your skin type and program the laser accordingly.

What does the procedure feel like? Basically it feels like a light tingling warm sensation all over your face. The handpiece will be moved back and forth over the entire treatment area and your technician will make the procedure comfortable for you depending on your comfort level. Once you get used to it, you can lie back and relax because the treatment is comfortable and easy to tolerate.

What can you expect after the treatment? Your skin may be slightly red at first but this will subside after a short time. Your skin will look rejuvenated and fresh. People come out of this procedure with glowing, beautiful skin. In all likelihood you won’t want to put your makeup back on your face. Laser Genesis is effective for reducing pores, smoothing out complexion and improving skin texture. It can also be a powerful tool to help in treatment of scars. minimize acne scarring with Laser Genesis

laser genesis before and after





fit girl in bikini

truSculpt 3D – A Real Result Revealed

We have been very enthusiastic about this fat-burning technology from the start. Now we are happy to unveil some truSculpt 3D results! truSculpt 3D uses heat to melt away fat cells, much the same way that Coolsculpting does with cold. The added benefit of truSculpt...

We have been very enthusiastic about this fat-burning technology from the start. Now we are happy to unveil some truSculpt 3D results! truSculpt 3D uses heat to melt away fat cells, much the same way that Coolsculpting does with cold. The added benefit of truSculpt 3D is that it tightens the skin while delivering results from the inside out. This is ideal for someone with mild to moderate loose skin on the abdomen or in the double chin area.

We are set to reveal some of the excellent results that we have been seeing at our clinic. This particular patient did not have the problem of loose skin but she did have excess abdomen fat that she was eager to treat and we could see that she was an ideal candidate for truSculpt 3D.

These pictures were taken 3 months apart – the first one on the right, before treatment to the abdomen and flanks while the one on the left shows the results she got from treatment with this fat-burning technology. These pictures demonstrate very clearly what a fantastic result she had in her upper abdomen.

Trusculpt 3D results






The second set of pictures really emphasize what a dramatic fat reduction reduction she had overall. The lower abdomen is much less pronounced on the right side.

Trusculpt3D results

Finally, the picture below shows a remarkably different body this girl is walking away with after just one treatment with truSculpt 3D. This patient came to see us in the spring and visited us again summer body ready!

Dramatic before and after Trusculpt 3D results

The results we have seen from treating patients have only confirmed what we knew all along – that truSculpt 3D is a truly effective fat-burning tool.

body contouring bikini body ready

Why Don’t You Just Go On a Diet?

The title of this post was chosen because it is probably the most common remark heard from those who oppose methods like liposuction or non-invasive body contouring. Of course an important part of being a healthy person is monitoring calorie intake and making wise nutritional...

The title of this post was chosen because it is probably the most common remark heard from those who oppose methods like liposuction or non-invasive body contouring. Of course an important part of being a healthy person is monitoring calorie intake and making wise nutritional choices. Exercise, both lifting weights and cardio are also essential to maintaining good health – especially as we age. Many sources claim that after age 50, we actually lose one to two percent of our muscle mass each year. Over the course of a decade that spells major loss in muscle and very frequently, a corresponding increase in fat. Working out with weights is the best way to preserve that muscle mass and even increase it, which will only benefit your body and will translate into a firmer physique and more strength and energy.

The problem that many people experience is that certain areas do not respond to exercise and diet. Stress in your life and hormones may be a reason for this. Other times our body just hangs onto fat in certain areas – whether it be the abdomen (which is probably the most common complaint), or the thighs or another area altogether. When this is the case the remark, “Why don’t you just go on a diet?” is not an appropriate comment at all.

Non-invasive body contouring gives people the extra help that they need when the weight will not come off through diet and exercise alone. It can also serve as a fantastic kick-start to an exercise and diet program, giving you a head start on a journey that can be painfully slow when it comes to seeing results.

If your body is hanging on to weight in certain areas, keep eating well, keep exercising, keep moving in the right direction because every positive choice you make is benefiting your body in the long term. Just remember that if you are considering non-invasive body contouring you may be about to unlock the resource that is going to give you that extra edge and help your body get rid of that stubborn weight that will not go away on its own.


woman with brown spots on face

An Effective Treatment for Sunspots

We get visits from people who, after spending a lot of time outdoors in the sun, find that their skin has gradually become blotchy. Sunspots, or uneven pigmentation are a very common side effect of prolonged sun exposure, leaving many searching for effective skin pigmentation...

We get visits from people who, after spending a lot of time outdoors in the sun, find that their skin has gradually become blotchy. Sunspots, or uneven pigmentation are a very common side effect of prolonged sun exposure, leaving many searching for effective skin pigmentation removal.

Although you will want to rule out any evidence of skin cancer, in the majority of cases these spots, skin blotches, and uneven pigmentation are harmless but annoying. They can become worse and more bothersome with age as photodamage to the skin worsens. Wearing a good quality sunscreen and avoiding the sun altogether are the best way to deal with this but once the damage is done there are is another treatment option.

Limelight laser is an effective way of improving skin tone and imperfections associated with photodamage. This laser delivers a pulse of light that heats the pigmented area and works to rejuvenate the skin. The treatment may sting mildly but is a comfortable treatment. Results are seen within one to three weeks and, although one treatment is often sufficient, depending on the level of pigmentation, several treatments may be required.





Trusculpt3D Toronto

Three Advantages of truSculpt 3D

There are many options when it comes to body sculpting. The more well-known options include liposuction, CoolSculpting and more recently truSculpt 3D (not to be confused with the older truSculpt model) have been getting the most attention.  A good question is - do all of...

There are many options when it comes to body sculpting. The more well-known options include liposuction, CoolSculpting and more recently truSculpt 3D (not to be confused with the older truSculpt model) have been getting the most attention.  A good question is – do all of these technologies work when it comes to fat reduction. The answer to that is, yes. All of them have been proven to give significant fat reduction. So what are the advantages of truSculpt 3D when there are so many effective treatment options available?

  1. truSculpt 3D does not require downtime like traditional liposuction. No surgery, no anaesthetic, no time off work, no need to find someone to drive you home and nurse you after the procedure.
  2. truSculpt 3D can reach hard-to-reach spots that CoolSculpting can not. The nature of the CoolSculpting device requires a minimum amount of fat to be sucked up into the hand piece. truSculpt 3D works differently, where a technician glides a hand piece over your troublesome areas. This means that even small areas such as the chin, under the arms, or even small love handles that might bother you but do not qualify for CoolSculpting can be treated and reduced.
  3. truSculpt 3D gives the added benefit of skin tightening. This is really a two-in-one procedure that continues to tighten the skin after the treatment.

The treatment time required ranges. A typical abdomen consists of four treatment areas that will take an hour, and this time will increase if flanks or other areas are being treated at the same time. Results are proven and permanent.

Got it!