April 2018

flat stomach on woman

When Your Tummy (or Bra Fat, or Double Chin) Just Won’t Go Away

There is probably nothing more frustrating than dedicating yourself to a strict diet and exercise routine and not seeing the results you want. Overall, the scale may tell you you've lost some weight. Undoubtedly, you will feel better and be healthier after putting in the gym time and watching what you eat carefully and that is something to be very proud of! A common complaint, however, is that even after losing weight and building muscle, many people still feel that they have a flabby belly. Or that their bra fat under the arms won't go away. Or they have a double chin that persists. As we age,...

laser hair removal for legs

Laser Hair Removal FAQs

Laser hair removal has been around for decades and chances are most of us know someone who has had it done. Still, many people have the same questions about laser hair removal and this post is dedicated to some of the most frequently asked questions. Q: Does laser hair removal hurt? A: Yes, although how much it hurts varies from person to person, the area being treated, and even the time of the month.  Laser hair removal has often been compared to the feeling of an elastic band snapping on the skin. That is a pretty good description and one thing to remember is that the pain is very...

rosacea control Toronto patients need

Ways to Keep Rosacea Under Control

Rosacea is a skin condition that can often be mistaken for acne, especially since it most commonly occurs on the face. Some people are troubled by it on their arms or back or other areas too.  It can be a difficult condition to treat and is often aggravated by diet, excessive heat or sometimes skin care products. Much like acne, it tends to flare up when it is the least wanted and can be difficult to get under control. Laser Treatment for Rosacea Control There are several laser treatments that can be used to effectively reduce and control rosacea. The laser used will depend on the degree of rosacea...

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