May 2018

Trusculpt3D Toronto

Three Advantages of truSculpt 3D

There are many options when it comes to body sculpting. The more well-known options include liposuction, CoolSculpting and more recently truSculpt 3D (not to be confused with the older truSculpt model) have been getting the most attention.  A good question is - do all of these technologies work when it comes to fat reduction. The answer to that is, yes. All of them have been proven to give significant fat reduction. So what are the advantages of truSculpt 3D when there are so many effective treatment options available? truSculpt 3D does not require downtime like traditional liposuction. No surgery, no anaesthetic, no time off work, no need...

Trusculpt 3D treatment

No Downtime Required!

Our lives are busy and taking vacation time to do something that does not involve palm trees and sandy beaches is not ideal for most people. At the same time, we all want to do everything we can to look our best. This can be a tricky balance when it comes to plastic surgery procedures since many of them do require downtime.  This post focuses on remarkably effective treatments that can be done in an afternoon or less and require no downtime. Trusculpt3D. While liposuction is an effective way to get rid of excess pockets of persistent fat, it does require downtime. This will vary depending on...

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