January 2019

keloid scar removal Toronto clinic

Is a Scar Always a Permanent Mark?

It's safe to say that everyone has scars. Some of these scars tell interesting stories, such as the time you had a surgery or fell down and bumped your head as a child. Some people embrace their scars and make them a part of themselves and others just wish they would disappear, especially if they resulted from a more traumatic event like a car accident. Scar removal can be achieved in many cases when scars are treated by an experienced technician. At the very least, they can be greatly minimized One type of scar that can be especially troubling is a keloid. A keloid is a raised, bumpy...

mature woman facial exam

Questions to Ask Yourself Before Your Procedure

We strongly encourage anyone considering any cosmetic procedure to do their research and make sure they get the answers to their questions before jumping in. After all, not only will the procedure potentially significantly enhance your appearance, there are also money and risks involved. Most people do not hesitate to ask their plastic surgeon questions but this post is more about important questions to ask yourself. Question One:  Do I have realistic expectations? Realistic expectations are a very important part of any procedure. Sadly, instead of embracing the things that make them individual, some people are looking for a total physical transformation that is just not realistic. If you...

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