Dr. Sproule’s Journal

non invasive body sculpting before and after

truSculpt iD and truSculpt 3D FAQs

Q: How long does it take to see results with truSculpt iD or truSculpt 3D? A: This is one of the most common questions asked. The answer is that maximum results are usually seen 12 weeks after your treatment. Some people see noticeable results in as...

Q: How long does it take to see results with truSculpt iD or truSculpt 3D?

A: This is one of the most common questions asked. The answer is that maximum results are usually seen 12 weeks after your treatment. Some people see noticeable results in as little as four weeks and some people continue to see results after the 12 week mark.

Q: How much fat loss is seen after treatment with truSculpt devices?

A: A 24% reduction in fat cells can be achieved. They are irreversibly damaged by the treatment.

Q: What areas can be treated with truSculpt 3D and truSculpt iD?

A: Almost any area can be treated. The abdomen is an area of concern to the majority of people and this is an ideal treatment area for the truSculpt iD device. The technician can set the device and leave you to relax for 15 minutes while getting the treatment. For smaller areas that are awkward or hard to to reach the truSculpt 3D device may be more suitable. These devices can treat abdomen, flanks, back, arms, thighs, bra fat bulges, double chin, and almost any other area that bothers you.

Q: How much downtime is required after treatment with truSculpt 3D or truSculpt iD?

A: None!  You can go straight back to work or back to your regular routine without having to take time off or have someone else drive you home.

Q: How long does a treatment take?

A: truSculpt iD can treat the entire abdomen in just 15 minutes which is incredible! truSculpt 3D does take longer since there is a hand piece that the technician must use to treat each area.

Q: Does treatment hurt?

A: No. Treatment does require heating the skin but it doesn’t hurt. It might make you sweat a little but it should feel like a hot stone massage.

crow's feet on woman's face

Three Laser Skin Treatments and the Reasons We Love Them

There are so many esthetic procedures to choose from that it just gets confusing. The dizzying variety when it comes to skincare, peels, and skin treatments can leave many people feeling unsure about which direction to take. That's why today we're going to break it...

There are so many esthetic procedures to choose from that it just gets confusing. The dizzying variety when it comes to skincare, peels, and skin treatments can leave many people feeling unsure about which direction to take. That’s why today we’re going to break it down to just three laser skin treatments that we love and go over some of the benefits of having these procedures done.

1. Laser Skin Resurfacing

before and after pearl fractionalWhy do we love it?  Because it’s effective. This is an aggressive procedure that might require some downtime – even up to a week or two depending on how deeply you are having your skin resurfaced. The Pearl Fractional laser works by placing tiny holes in the skin. This prompts your bodies self-renewal properties, stimulates your skin to produce more collagen and plumps the skin from below. When combined with another more aggressive laser, this is one of the most effective treatments for reducing acne scars or rejuvenating the skin and reducing wrinkles on the skin surface. That’s why we love it!  It works and it produces results.


2. IPL Treatment

limelight before and afterThis treatment is perfect for treating brown spots caused by sun damage and aging. If you are bothered by uneven skin pigmentation, dark spots that creep up in the summer and don’t seem to be fading away on their own, or brown spots on your hands or other parts of the body, this treatment is what you are looking for. The light pulses delivered by the laser produce a mild sting. The dark spots may get a little darker at first but within a few weeks they will disappear and your complexion will improve significantly. Some people see incredible results after one treatment but typically one to three treatments are needed. Speak to us about a package rate for multiple treatments.

3. Laser Genesis

laser genesis before and afterWe talk about Laser Genesis a lot!  This is a treatment that is perfect for everyone, no matter what your skin type. Laser Genesis is ideal for preventing signs of aging – stimulating your skin to repair itself before signs of aging set in. If you are already seeing signs of aging it will also improve your skin. People walk away with glowing, radiant skin after this treatment and when done regularly it can diminish brown spots, reduce large pores, correct fine lines and minimize red spots. This treatment should be viewed as an investment and is best done regularly, as part of your monthly skin care routine to help maintain great skin. This procedure has no down time – you can go back to work immediately after. That’s why we love it!




flat stomach on woman

Introducing truSculpt iD to Our Clinic!

This is one of the most exciting developments at Scarborough Laser Surgery since we first acquired the truSculpt 3D device over a year ago! We were incredibly excited to bring that on board and the results it has shown have impressed both us and our...

This is one of the most exciting developments at Scarborough Laser Surgery since we first acquired the truSculpt 3D device over a year ago! We were incredibly excited to bring that on board and the results it has shown have impressed both us and our clients. So why are we now bringing in the truSculpt iD device?

What is the same about truSculpt 3D and truSculpt iD?

  • Both devices use Monopolar radiofrequency energy to heat up the fat layer under the skin
  • Both devices can provide a 24% reduction in fat after just one treatment (results do vary from person to person)
  • It takes 12 weeks to see maximum results for both treatments

So what is different about the devices?

  • Speed of treatment. With truSculpt 3D it would take about an hour to treat the full abdomen, and even longer if flanks treated too.  With truSculpt iD multiple areas can be treated at the same time and a full abdomen will take just 15 minutes!  This is very much a lunch hour procedure.
  • Treatment procedure. truSculpt 3D required the technician to be very much involved during the procedure and moving the hand piece continuously. With truSculpt iD the technician will set you up and then the treatment will be performed hands free.

Patients can book a consultation to find out if they are an appropriate candidate for this treatment. Then book your appointment, get set up by the technician, lie down and relax for 15 minutes while the machine does its work and watch the results over the next 12 weeks!  It’s as easy as that. We are convinced that our patients are going to love this device and love the results it gives.



lip enhancement before and after

My Lip Enhancement Experience

I can't say I have never had my lips done before. Last time I went with a very subtle lip enhancement and skipped the borders. I think I was afraid of the duck face look and just wanted to give it a try anyway. I...

I can’t say I have never had my lips done before. Last time I went with a very subtle lip enhancement and skipped the borders. I think I was afraid of the duck face look and just wanted to give it a try anyway. I did love it – it made my lips look fuller but it was so subtle that no one noticed.

This time, I tried the new Belotero lip product – Belotero contour for the borders and Belotero shape for the red of the lips. I had an event the following day which is the WORST time to get a lip enhancement done but I decided to go ahead anyway. I took a risk with swelling and bruising.

When I got to the clinic, I registered and had a consult and then numbing cream was applied to my lips. Word to the wise – refrain from talking once this cream is applied. It is extremely difficult not to get it on your tongue and have the whole back of your throat and inside of your mouth ending up numb! It felt like dental freezing and much much more! At least I knew it was working.

The lip enhancement procedure itself was over in about 20 minutes. The top border was injected in about 10 different places, then the bottom border was done too. The red was filled in after to plump out the lips. Afterwards, I was given an ice pack to take down the swelling. I did swell up quite a bit which is not typical. I saw a few other women who were leaving when I arrived and they had minimal swelling – one of them had great lips but didn’t look like they had just been done.  I, on the other hand, started to get worried about my event the next day. I tried to ice as much as possible but I had to be somewhere that evening and couldn’t help worrying that it wouldn’t be enough. When I got home I experimented with a few lipstick techniques. I put on a light matte lipstick and then blended a heavy concealer into the borders. Once that was done I looked more like myself. When I went out that evening I was incredibly self conscious about it but no one even noticed!

The following day the swelling was still pretty bad so I did my makeup trick again and no one did a double take, no one asked, and no one stared.  A bit of bruising did start to come out on my bottom lip which has been easily covered with some concealer and again, no one has noticed!

Now three days have gone by and I’m loving the result. I think they look full but very natural. I have to say I stressed a lot about it being horribly obvious to everyone that I had my lips injected. I swelled up more than normal but no one has noticed because they were done so well and do not look overdone or artificial at all. I love them!

My advice to anyone thinking of getting lip enhancement is this:

  1. Do your research and make sure you are going to a reputable clinic with a skilled injector. Injectors are not created equal.
  2. Do not skip the numbing cream. The lips are sensitive.
  3. Do what you can to prevent bruising – avoid Aspirin and alcohol for a few days.
  4. If you do bruise and swell (like I did), don’t stress too much. That’s what makeup is for!  I put on light matte lipstick and blended some concealer into the borders to make them look smaller until the swelling went down.
  5. Enjoy your new lips!  You’re going to love them!



woman looking at camera

The Five Wrinkle Removers

Wrinkles are inevitable but rather than embracing them, most of us dread them and some of us do everything we can to fend them off for as long as possible. Wrinkles can tell a story and some people swear they even know when and how...

Wrinkles are inevitable but rather than embracing them, most of us dread them and some of us do everything we can to fend them off for as long as possible. Wrinkles can tell a story and some people swear they even know when and how they got them (and sometimes who gave them the wrinkles too!)

So what are these wrinkle removers?

  1. A good skin care routine. This involves gentle cleansers, great moisturizers and skin repairing creams that can do much to prevent and improve existing wrinkle damage.
  2. Botox or Xeomin. Botox type treatments are particularly useful for the upper part of the face. This can be used to effectively treat crows feet around the eyes or relax frown lines between the eyes. Many people find this to be particularly helpful.
  3. Fillers. Some well-placed filler where the face has lost volume due to aging can help lift the face and smooth out marionette lines or other areas where wrinkles and folds are starting to become prominent.
  4. Laser treatments. A full laser skin resurfacing requires some down time but is excellent for improving skin texture and evening out fine lines. Milder laser facials such as Laser Genesis are also effective at replenishing collagen and improving the skin.
  5. Peels. Peels can refresh the skin and a series of peels can be used to minimize fine lines.

Options are available. Some investment of time and resources is required but the results that these wrinkle removers give are worth it.

Got it!