
A Real truSculpt iD Review

Lisa is definitely one of our favorite Toronto Instagrammer/bloggers because she’s just adorable and her accounts are full of all kinds of great reviews and experiences! We were thrilled that she chose to visit Scarborough Laser Surgery recently with concerns about that one common problem area that plagues so many of us – her abdomen. In the video below she gives an honest and realistic truSculpt iD review and shares her results.

Lisa explains that although she has always been very small, her waist has always been her problem area. (Something you would never have known because this girl knows how to dress and she always looks beautiful!) She recently tried making lifestyle changes that included a bootcamp workout and changing her eating habits by reducing portion sizes, but despite all her best efforts, the results she saw were minimal. She could realistically see that if she took more drastic measures to modify her lifestyle, she wouldn’t be happy. She decided to visit us to explore the option of truSculpt iD treatment because

In the video below, Dr. Sproule assesses Lisa and can see that as someone living a healthy lifestyle with just one area of stubborn fat, she is an ideal candidate for truSculpt iD treatment. Dr. Sproule explains that truSculpt iD is a non-invasive body contouring treatment that works by using radiowaves that heat up the underlying fat, which results in apoptosis. Apoptosis means that the procedure is actually DESTROYING fat cells! Dr. Sproule and Lisa also explain which people are ideal candidates for truScupt iD treatment.

Watch the video below to see Lisa’s complete and honest truSculpt iD review. She will give you a realistic picture of her experience, including sharing some discomfort she felt during treatment, and then show the results she saw in the end.

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