skin pigmentation removal Tag

hair free legs

Three Procedures Perfect for Winter

How many times have you thought about getting laser hair removal while slipping on a skirt or a pair of shorts? It's just as easy to completely put that idea on the back burner during the cold winter months when you're usually all covered up anyway. The fact is, there are several procedures that would be ideal to do during the winter months. We have detailed several of them in this article: Laser Hair Removal Winter is the perfect time to start this procedure. Your hair grows in cycles and several treatments are required to completely reduce hair. If you start during the winter months, the hair might not...

woman with brown spots on face

An Effective Treatment for Sunspots

We get visits from people who, after spending a lot of time outdoors in the sun, find that their skin has gradually become blotchy. Sunspots, or uneven pigmentation are a very common side effect of prolonged sun exposure, leaving many searching for effective skin pigmentation removal. Although you will want to rule out any evidence of skin cancer, in the majority of cases these spots, skin blotches, and uneven pigmentation are harmless but annoying. They can become worse and more bothersome with age as photodamage to the skin worsens. Wearing a good quality sunscreen and avoiding the sun altogether are the best way to deal with this but...

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