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Why Don’t You Just Go On a Diet?

The title of this post was chosen because it is probably the most common remark heard from those who oppose methods like liposuction or non-invasive body contouring. Of course an important part of being a healthy person is monitoring calorie intake and making wise nutritional choices. Exercise, both lifting weights and cardio are also essential to maintaining good health - especially as we age. Many sources claim that after age 50, we actually lose one to two percent of our muscle mass each year. Over the course of a decade that spells major loss in muscle and very frequently, a corresponding increase in fat. Working out with...

abdominal body sculptingg liposuction

Is Liposuction More Effective than Non-Invasive Body Sculpting?

This is one of the most frequently asked questions during a consultation where someone is considering liposuction versus non-invasive body sculpting technology. This is a very important question for any client to ask. If you are spending money and want to look your best, you want to make sure that you will be receiving an effective treatment. Standard areas that can be treated by both liposuction and non-invasive body sculpting These are areas that people typically want to see treated by liposuction. This is not an exhaustive list but does show what areas people typically seek consultation on. What is interesting is that all of these areas can also...

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