
Laser Genesis Scarborough laser surgery

Laser Genesis for Brighter, Clearer, Smoother Skin

For those of you who have thought of trying laser Genesis Scarborough Laser Surgery is offering 10% off Laser Genesis facial treatment this month. The timing on this special could not be better as spring is approaching and who doesn’t want a pick-me-up after a very long cold winter?  You may be wondering what Laser Genesis can do for you.

Laser Genesis is the latest technological advancement in skin rejuvenation. For the month of March you can receive 10%…

Posted by Scarborough Laser on Thursday, February 22, 2018

Laser Genesis is used to treat the following conditions:

  • sun damage
  • fine lines
  • redness
  • scarring

This treatment can help people with slight brown spots caused by sun damage, redness from rosacea, and even fine lines and dull skin complexion.

One of the best things about Laser Genesis is that there really is no downtime required. You will walk away with a glow and can go right back to work or your daily activities, looking better than when you came in. The treatment takes about 45 minutes.

For optimum results, we do offer a package that includes 4 treatments for a special price. Best results are obtained when the treatments are spaced a few weeks apart.

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