
body contouring bikini body ready

Why Don’t You Just Go On a Diet?

The title of this post was chosen because it is probably the most common remark heard from those who oppose methods like liposuction or non-invasive body contouring. Of course an important part of being a healthy person is monitoring calorie intake and making wise nutritional choices. Exercise, both lifting weights and cardio are also essential to maintaining good health – especially as we age. Many sources claim that after age 50, we actually lose one to two percent of our muscle mass each year. Over the course of a decade that spells major loss in muscle and very frequently, a corresponding increase in fat. Working out with weights is the best way to preserve that muscle mass and even increase it, which will only benefit your body and will translate into a firmer physique and more strength and energy.

The problem that many people experience is that certain areas do not respond to exercise and diet. Stress in your life and hormones may be a reason for this. Other times our body just hangs onto fat in certain areas – whether it be the abdomen (which is probably the most common complaint), or the thighs or another area altogether. When this is the case the remark, “Why don’t you just go on a diet?” is not an appropriate comment at all.

Non-invasive body contouring gives people the extra help that they need when the weight will not come off through diet and exercise alone. It can also serve as a fantastic kick-start to an exercise and diet program, giving you a head start on a journey that can be painfully slow when it comes to seeing results.

If your body is hanging on to weight in certain areas, keep eating well, keep exercising, keep moving in the right direction because every positive choice you make is benefiting your body in the long term. Just remember that if you are considering non-invasive body contouring you may be about to unlock the resource that is going to give you that extra edge and help your body get rid of that stubborn weight that will not go away on its own.


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