Author: Tim S

woman with brown spots on face

What to Expect When You Get a Laser Facial

The thought of having a laser facial such as laser Genesis treatment frightens many people, while others swear by them and schedule them regularly. Those who are apprehensive can be afraid of whether the technician will hit a sensitive area, damage their eyes, or even burn them. Those who swear by them feel completely at ease during the procedure and love the glowing rejuvenated skin they get as a result of the procedure. Laser facials can make your skin look great and they are completely safe when you are in the hands of a well-trained technician. Let's go over what to expect if you decide to come...

fit girl in bikini

truSculpt 3D – A Real Result Revealed

We have been very enthusiastic about this fat-burning technology from the start. Now we are happy to unveil some truSculpt 3D results! truSculpt 3D uses heat to melt away fat cells, much the same way that Coolsculpting does with cold. The added benefit of truSculpt 3D is that it tightens the skin while delivering results from the inside out. This is ideal for someone with mild to moderate loose skin on the abdomen or in the double chin area. We are set to reveal some of the excellent results that we have been seeing at our clinic. This particular patient did not have the problem of loose skin...

body contouring bikini body ready

Why Don’t You Just Go On a Diet?

The title of this post was chosen because it is probably the most common remark heard from those who oppose methods like liposuction or non-invasive body contouring. Of course an important part of being a healthy person is monitoring calorie intake and making wise nutritional choices. Exercise, both lifting weights and cardio are also essential to maintaining good health - especially as we age. Many sources claim that after age 50, we actually lose one to two percent of our muscle mass each year. Over the course of a decade that spells major loss in muscle and very frequently, a corresponding increase in fat. Working out with...

woman with brown spots on face

An Effective Treatment for Sunspots

We get visits from people who, after spending a lot of time outdoors in the sun, find that their skin has gradually become blotchy. Sunspots, or uneven pigmentation are a very common side effect of prolonged sun exposure, leaving many searching for effective skin pigmentation removal. Although you will want to rule out any evidence of skin cancer, in the majority of cases these spots, skin blotches, and uneven pigmentation are harmless but annoying. They can become worse and more bothersome with age as photodamage to the skin worsens. Wearing a good quality sunscreen and avoiding the sun altogether are the best way to deal with this but...

Trusculpt3D Toronto

Three Advantages of truSculpt 3D

There are many options when it comes to body sculpting. The more well-known options include liposuction, CoolSculpting and more recently truSculpt 3D (not to be confused with the older truSculpt model) have been getting the most attention.  A good question is - do all of these technologies work when it comes to fat reduction. The answer to that is, yes. All of them have been proven to give significant fat reduction. So what are the advantages of truSculpt 3D when there are so many effective treatment options available? truSculpt 3D does not require downtime like traditional liposuction. No surgery, no anaesthetic, no time off work, no need...

Trusculpt 3D treatment

No Downtime Required!

Our lives are busy and taking vacation time to do something that does not involve palm trees and sandy beaches is not ideal for most people. At the same time, we all want to do everything we can to look our best. This can be a tricky balance when it comes to plastic surgery procedures since many of them do require downtime.  This post focuses on remarkably effective treatments that can be done in an afternoon or less and require no downtime. Trusculpt3D. While liposuction is an effective way to get rid of excess pockets of persistent fat, it does require downtime. This will vary depending on...

flat stomach on woman

When Your Tummy (or Bra Fat, or Double Chin) Just Won’t Go Away

There is probably nothing more frustrating than dedicating yourself to a strict diet and exercise routine and not seeing the results you want. Overall, the scale may tell you you've lost some weight. Undoubtedly, you will feel better and be healthier after putting in the gym time and watching what you eat carefully and that is something to be very proud of! A common complaint, however, is that even after losing weight and building muscle, many people still feel that they have a flabby belly. Or that their bra fat under the arms won't go away. Or they have a double chin that persists. As we age,...

laser hair removal for legs

Laser Hair Removal FAQs

Laser hair removal has been around for decades and chances are most of us know someone who has had it done. Still, many people have the same questions about laser hair removal and this post is dedicated to some of the most frequently asked questions. Q: Does laser hair removal hurt? A: Yes, although how much it hurts varies from person to person, the area being treated, and even the time of the month.  Laser hair removal has often been compared to the feeling of an elastic band snapping on the skin. That is a pretty good description and one thing to remember is that the pain is very...

rosacea control Toronto patients need

Ways to Keep Rosacea Under Control

Rosacea is a skin condition that can often be mistaken for acne, especially since it most commonly occurs on the face. Some people are troubled by it on their arms or back or other areas too.  It can be a difficult condition to treat and is often aggravated by diet, excessive heat or sometimes skin care products. Much like acne, it tends to flare up when it is the least wanted and can be difficult to get under control. Laser Treatment for Rosacea Control There are several laser treatments that can be used to effectively reduce and control rosacea. The laser used will depend on the degree of rosacea...

woman with contoured chin

How to Get Rid of a Double Chin

Some people are troubled by a double chin because of genetics, while for others it can be something that creeps up with age. What do you think is the most effective way of getting rid of a double chin? If you google this question all kinds of answers and treatments will come up that include topical skin treatments, facial exercises, and even chewing gum. We would like to introduce you to an effective, affordable double chin treatment in the form of truSculpt 3D. How does it work? truSculpt 3D works by using radio frequency technology that reduces fat cells and tightens skin, providing a very effective treatment. During the...

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