
woman with wrinkle free skin

Would You Like Longer Eyelashes?

How many of you have ever looked at someone’s else’s long eyelashes and maybe felt a just twinge of envy upon seeing how dark and beautiful they were? I remember looking at a little boy’s eyelashes once and wishing I had longer eyelashes. When compared to my own mediocre lashes, the world seemed like a very unfair place for a moment. At the time I had no idea that there was a way to get longer darker eyelashes and once I discovered Latisse I was really excited to try it and see if it worked.

Latisse is extremely easy to use. It comes in a box with a very surprisingly small tube of liquid. That tiny tube of liquid lasts a surprisingly long time.

How Does Latisse Work?

All you have to do is this:

  • Wash off your makeup every night.
  • Apply a drop of the liquid to a brush that is included in the package.
  • Apply the brush to the base of your eyelashes.
  • Go to sleep and let your eyelashes grow!

After a few days you will notice that your lashes are becoming longer. I noticed it within a week and when applied continuously the lashes will reach quite a respectable length that will probably surprise you!  After I had been using Latisse for about a month I went to visit a friend I hadn’t seen in awhile and she immediately began asking what I had done and where my long lashes had come from.

If you’re looking to fill in your lashes, grow them longer or purchase a unique gift for a friend try it out!


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