
Trusculpt3D Toronto

What is Trusculpt3D?

Traditionally, before Trusculpt3D became an option, the only way to treat stubborn pockets of fat was through a strenuous and dedicated exercise and diet program and, if all else failed, liposuction. Most people have those certain troublesome pockets of fat that never seem to go away, no matter how much they tone up the rest of their body. These typically include abdominal fat, bra overhang or armpit fat, thigh fat, and even a double chin. Liposuction surgery is certainly highly effective but it has a downside that includes general anaesthetic, time required off work for recovery and might involve wearing compression garments after surgery. We are the first Trusculpt3D Toronto based clinic and are very excited about this technology.

Anyone who has researched non-invasive body sculpting has heard of CoolSculpting, which has increased remarkably in popularity over the last few years. At Scarborough Laser Surgery, after investigating several options and researching the available technology, we acquired a Trusculpt 3D machine. This has much the same effect of CoolSculpting but instead of freezing fat cells to destroy them, it uses heat to destroy fat cells. This technology also tightens the skin at the same time.

What’s interesting is that fat cells die when subjected to certain minimum and maximum temperatures. Trusculpt 3D has been proven to kill up to 24% of fat cells after just one treatment!  In some cases more than one treatment will provide maximum results and really given people the remarkable outcome they are looking for.

So how does Trusculpt3D work?

When you come in for a treatment you will have a full consultation to discuss whether your troublesome areas are appropriate for treatment with Trusculpt 3D. One advantage to this treatment is that you do not have to a minimum amount of fat in any one area that gets ‘sucked up’ into a hand piece. Trusculpt 3D works with a hand piece that moves across the skin and can treat a more diffuse area and get a more uniform result that blends in with the rest of your curves. This means that even non standard sized pockets of fat can be effectively treated.

The treatment uses heat but the heat is at a comfortable, tolerable level for most people. It has often been compared to a hot stone massage and many patients find it quite relaxing. Maximum results are achieved in 6 – 12 weeks following treatment.

Book a consultation today to discuss whether Trusculpt3D is right for you. NO downtime required. NO time off work (other than for the treatment itself which typically takes about an hour).

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